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Superheroes Collection For Friends

University Drawing Commission, Student Union Executives Team

Disney Drawathon for Friends

Commissioned Ukelele Decoupage

After seeing my Superheroes collection on Facebook, the General Manager of the Student Union at my univeristy (pictured above in said collection as The Thing) commissioned me to draw the new Student Union Executive Team for £60 (plus a £20 completion bonus). They have been used on the SU's web page and on posters around the university campus. 

In the summer of 2013 I posted on Facebook asking who would like to be drawn as their favourite superhero. The comments back began flooding in instantly and this was the eventual outcome. It got to the point where I had to call a stop to requests as the list was becoming gigantic. 

Much like the Superheroes Collection, I made a similar post on Facebook offering to draw people as their favourite Disney characters. This is an ongoing project, as the list became so long I was unable to finish it before coursework and deadlines got in the way again, as well as the addition of paid commissions. I will be continuing to upload them as I go this year, having finally called a stop to comments with the list hitting over 50.

A friend of mine paid me £30 to decoupage a plain white ukelele with my drawings and other customisations as a Christmas present for her housemate. This was the final outcome and I hear she was very happy with it!

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